The sky was a fresh bruise frogs sang their nightly tune ducks were paddling in twos the pond reflected the ample moon We both sat beneath a melting oak
Love is red and orange pulsing throbbing thriving with courage the tune is high and loud
Sun and Moon are my friends Sea and Sand are my cousins Grass and Tree and are my sisters Wind and Rain are my brothers We all have the gift of choice
She grew like baby grass in a fire’s aftermath she stretched to the sky a sweet note to a lullaby Spring befriended Winter
My winter heart would like to feel… though, the cold warms me till i’m… i’m not ready to defrost ill just tell everyone i’m lost when its time ill let the sun kiss…
i’m searching for shared talent browsing for a blog finding its a feedback frenzy each one in a self indulgent fog attention hungry
Lately iv had pain pain from head to toe its driving me insane its really gotta go So i went to the docter
Voices running together arms pulling a lever machines flying to the sky a smiling face a destroyed pie
My eyes are two windows i’am in my internal house looking… i’am nothing as i seem to be i’am everything and more than what… I see you, though you dont see me