People who hate their mother’s, their fathers, their families, their church, themselves. The earth itself, always gave me the willies!
Bunch of sillies, gone willy, nilly!
But I think I’m gonna have to re evaluate my evaluation. As I get older. I say, as I get older! I wanna say wiser, but I’m not so sure.... Revisit things I thought of before, of which I was sure, that I was sure! Oh what a bloody gored Boar. Through long suffering experience of reflection and regret, I am going to have to Pause my cause and reflect.
After being batted
around by a Louisville slugger, you become more of a hitter and less of a hugger.... I can understand the bitter bondage And hurts Of the walking wounded. Okay. It is extremely Devastating To be Assaulted By those supposed to protect and love you. I’m no latest talk show guru, but those latest betrayals, they go through you. That bill you had to pay wasn’t due you!!!
Only divine intervention can heal that type of hurt, people just look at me, come up to me and these intimate secrets they spew up on me, they spurt. I don’t know what makes you think that I have some type of training In the psychological field! Please have mercy on me I Yield. You start taking out the blue cross, the blue shield, I mean really boo, boo???
When you tell me the stories of the horrors of your life, I really do feel sorry for your hurts, and I have compassion... But I’m not in the fashion, to offer you a quick therapy session on the spot. I just happened to be a well met stranger. Hey buddy isn’t that asking a lot. Why is it that we humans give birth to beings that we’re doomed to savage even with the best intentions and love intact? I mean when I observe the animals they seem to have the inside track,
on how to raise their babies, have their backs, and let them go on. After they’ve gotten the knack, on survival in this world.
The book of revelations says in so many different metaphors, similes, and parables. That the world is gonna be remade again and we’re gonna get it right at least for A 1,000 years. Until the negative Anti reasoning beast will be released again. It seems to be our trend, To run towards the destruction of ourselves, again and again and yet again!
I wish you God’s Peace And Love