Let your lungs breath, Let them breath the air, Let them breath life, and never le… Let them breath to let your heart… Let them breath to never let your…
On a cold, quiet winter night, Under the moon and the twinkling s… Nippy breeze caressing the snow so… When the world already went to bed… In the dark room half lit by the s…
Broad are my shoulders, Puffed are the muscles of my breas… Mighty is my heart, full of coura… Focus in my eyes, fixed at the horizon in the sight,
Haggard and tired, at the end of t… I returned home and opened the doo… To exit from the outside world, And enter the four walls of my roo… When I turn around to exit from m…
Many people come and go in life as… While some were left as seashells… But further you go offshore, The deeper will be the sea floor, In those deeper depths, lay, the t…
There are places I haven’t been, Many faces I haven’t seen, The smells I haven’t tasted, And the waters I haven’t tested, The sounds I haven’t heard,
The infinite empty space is comple… The void occupies the space and th… Invariably, infinite is the space… The space from void or void from s…
There is light beyond my sight, There is life beyond my reach, There are things beyond my touch, There are emotions beyond my sense… At times it appears absurd,
Know that this feeling is not true… Know that this feeling is a true l… Know that this feeling is a lie th… Like the lie of your abstract pres… And the reality of your physical a…
Passing through the colourless len… The colour of the colourless blue… The blue ocean are creating colour… Of Azure on my colourless and sha… The images are as void as the blue…
It rained in the desert, Yes it rained in the desert! On the day when the sun of humanit… On the East of the Middle-East w… On the day when the horizon was co…
When the stillness of silence is d… When the brightness of light is bl… When the thickness of translucence… When the intensity of sense is num… I stand still in space and time, n…
Wading through the crowded place, In search of a permanent place, Forever presence in an empty space… A place in the mist of estranged g… Deep down in the heart of deceptiv…
Time when the pall of gloom slowly… When the haze of misery slowly sta… And the vision started growing blu… When the movements of the body sta… And the senses started falling apa…
The crispy cover of gravel crumble… When I tried to clamber the hills… The silky carpet of sands shrunk a… When I tried to cross the deserts… The soggy sheet of tiny crystals s…