Just being yourself Is the absolute best way To show the world love
If we would just ask Mother Nature for answers We might find our truths
I’ve lived my life And seen some things Heard bitchin’ tunes Tasted my dreams But if you want
You’ll have to take It slow with me That’s just the way Things have to be I’m sensitive
I’ve always been Out on the run I’ve never felt Like had a home And then one day
If they push you Push back And go for the throat
The waves, curls, cowlicks; Your idiosyncrasies Make me love you more.
Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
Working towards Common goals
My daughter said the other day I’m glad my father ran away So we could find relationship Without my mother ruining it
My heart tells me That you’re no good I’m pretty sure That’s why I should I’ve never been
Shake your ass Make a pass And let’s get down to business I’ve never seen A better dream
I really love how the moonlight Reveals the sparkle in your eyes And how the cold accentuates The feelings shown across your fac… How every time you take a breath
One reason I know Our love is first rate, We don’t have to talk To communicate.