Evy Michaels

A love I couldn’t wear

Beneath this mountainous layer
Were feelings too rare
I laid it all bare
Without a single care
Of the possibility of a great tear
It was a dangerous love I couldn’t wear
We almost had it all
Then we took a tragic fall
I no longer heed your call
But when I close my eyes...
Your kiss just seems too real
Your touch the only thing I feel
From your presence, I can’t seem to heal
A love without a seal
The faceless ghost in my dreams that I can’t evade
If you want to vanish then vanish away
Don’t vanish into my dreams
If an escape is what you are looking for
Don’t take me along with you
I let you go a long time ago
Then why are you still here
If the memory of you wishes to fade away
Why do you go on and torture my soul
There were fears I could not share
So to risk, I did not dare
To see the could have been great pair
Because of restraints deemed unfair
A pain I no longer can bear
It was a dangerous love I couldn’t wear
Other works by Evy Michaels...
