Act Now Before It’s Too Late
It’s climate change,
the professor says,
that’s causing all the
hurricanes and floods,
wildfires and tornadoes,
icebergs melting,
species disappearing.
We must act now
before it’s too late,
he tells his audience.
On Sunday morning
the preacher says
climate change is
the beginning of
the End Times.
Get ready now
for the Rapture.
It will be here soon.
You will either be
swept up to heaven
of left behind.
Sitting in his pew,
waiting for the collection,
Mortimer figures
both may be right,
the professor
and the preacher.
Climate change first
and then the Rapture.
What to do, he wonders,
if he’s left behind.
His wife tells him
on the way home that
only the Shadow knows.
Donal Mahoney