David Owen Ehlen

Eclectically Spiritual

Rising each morning
Sometimes grumpy
Sometimes quiet
Sometimes joyous
   forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us
The order of consciousness imposing itself on the
Blissful (sometimes terrifying) anarchy of dreams
Taking up the mantle of prayer
Of the sacred space we create around the
Rites and rituals that bring meaning to our hours
We are each made priest, priestess, heretic and harlot
Sacred stones shattered
Icons sullied and vestments rent
Scriptures shredded, holy words profaned;
The holy cast down and reviled
Because the mind and will are inviolate
Blessed are you, Lord, our God, Ruler of the universe
Living every moment like a prayer
Like a poem
With the Divine at the tip of every thought and utterance.

Other works by David Owen Ehlen...
