I’ve lived a long hard life,
full of love, pain, passion and strife.
But so has my fellow man,
with his own set of demons,
Each having their own brand.
Some take the common path,
while others the road less traveled,
We all start and end the same,
And our journey will decide
How they remember our name.
Now we all have shoes made
for only one man,
For what may be one’s heaven,
Could be a nightmare in another’s hands.
They say the eyes are the windows
to one’s soul,
We never know how long our light will burn,
Some pass young while others, They grow old.
You only get one life so make it count,
By the time your end is near,
You’ll know what your life was all about.
Cherrish each moment and love
with all your heart,
Thank God everyday for giving you a start.
You’ll have your demons and
you’ll make your mistakes,
But he won’t put upon you,
more than you can take.
Your soul is being tested,
This body is only a vessel,
So learn from your mistakes,
Love, laugh, dance and enjoy this blessing,
But don’t forget the dance,
And remember each time you open your eyes,
He has given you another chance.
Don’t judge others because,
Their sins aren’t the same as yours,
God’s design was for us all
to walk through completely different doors.