Cory Garcia

La Voce Di Creazione

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Creations Voice

note: Read top to bottom then bottom to top - its cyclical)
Listen closely
Do you hear it
The voice inside
Wanting desperately to scream out
If it had but air and mouth of its own
Wanting... Needing... to convey its mad plan
The abstract silenced by perfection
What strange foreign desire seeks to limit such raw emotion
This is no feral thing
In the wild
Its origins are conceived
A lost soul
It searches for form
Stifled and suffocated
By the obsession of the one in whose care it is entrusted
Bound it is
By broken chains
Found wanting
    Now is your chance
    Part those lips
    Give life
    Give form to the voice within
    Fill the void anew
    With sweet utterance
    To that which only you know
    To be true
Oh the wonders that have flowed
Each time you have opened your mouth
The songs you have sung
Untaught... Natural... Cherished...
Each word
Each syllable
Once set in motion
Giving rise to new creations
Reflecting what you see
With what you are
Revealing previously unseen forms
Too long hidden in their self-made traditions
Absent yet always there
Holding your life and mind
The still small voice
The very fingerprint of GOD
Giving voice to
Your reflection

This is perhaps the simplest, and at the same time most complex, of my poems to date.

See below for the outline of this self challenging work

The title is Italian and its translation to English sets the Stage of this poem. "The Voice of Creation" or "Creations Voice" depending on your perspective

I saw an image created by a female artist who conveyed the joys and frustrations of creating her own art and how tradition was both a help and a hindrance.

She also quoted Antonio Pochia's work from "Voces" or "Voices" which pays a visit in this work of cyclical creation in the reference of being bound by broken chains and gave me the idea for the Title of the Poem and helped to guide its direction.

The goal was to convey when reading (as one normally would from top to bottom) the process of trying to give voice to an abstract feeling within and create a form/substance to convey it into the world. Once brought forth into the world the created object cannot help but shape creation around it.

At the same time when reading the Poem backwards (from bottom to top) I attempt to convey how Creation shapes/inspires the created which in turns shapes/inspires the one who created it.

Its cyclical occurring at different times yet simultaneously and from differing perspectives.

I ordered this in the following manner including the number of lines in each sonnet to add complexity and depth of meaning for the poem.

Note: I am not into numerology and am not even a novice when it comes to such things I merely looked these up and wanted to add to the complexity and depth of meaning of this poem. I found it a fun challenge to try and convey all these things together simultaneously.

18 in the first (creator) and third (creation) stanza denoting
(creation and the creator are bound to each other by broken chains)
(Judges 3:14; Judges 10:8; Luke 13:11; Luke 13:16)

2 stanzas of 18 in all denoting
Union, Division, Witnessing
(creation and the creator are both joined and divided and both witness to each other)
(Gen 1:16; Gen 6:19-20; Gen 19:1; Matt 18:19-20; Matt 19:5-6; Matt 22:40; Eph 2:14; Heb 6:18)

8 in the second stanza (the created) denoting
New birth & new beginnings
(The created represents a new birth/beginning)
(Gen 17:12; Exodus 22:30; Luke 2:21; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Pet 2:5)
The eights day is the first day of a new week –
The eight note seals the octave and it begins a new octave in the musical scale...

3 total stanza's denoting
Divine completeness and perfection
(Three stanzas used to create this cyclical pattern)
(Gen 15:9; Exodus 23:14-10; 1 Sam 1:24; 1 Kings 6:2-22; Ps 55:17; Dan 6:10; Jonah 1:17; Matt 12:40; Matt 26:61)

In doing this the poem was limited to 44 lines which denotes
Judgment of the world
(44 lines - feel free to judge them)

Note: 4 denotes Creation; The world; Creative works.

So it goes...
(18) "c"reator → shapes → (8) the created ← shapes ← (18) creation
in an infinite/cyclical figure 8 pattern

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