By Stanley Collymore
And they don’t come any more obviously so than the purblind cunts who evidently infest the actually so-called Practitioners Tribunal Service! Since these are the very self-entitled, and quite narcissistically self-important dolts, who blithely reinstated a white UK doctor who rather discernibly is a most distinctively, evidently undeniably and a calculatedly lying, sickness benefit claimant fraudster recipient and likewise also an outright crucially unquestionably arrogantly dishonest cheat, who patently and brazenly, did clearly and significantly purposely lie to his NHS employers, and colleagues, about him having contracted a serious virus which quite necessitated him being off from work; then decidedly after that, immediately and fraudulently claimed compulsory statutory sickness benefit off the UK taxpayers, effectively for an ailment he did not have, none the less all the while unencumbered by any ailments whatever and while ongoingly claiming these state benefits, basically worked quite healthily and beneficially, though illegally as a practising, private and very highly paid doctor at a private clinic! And would’ve literally continued doing so, had someone not effectively actually recognized him, crucially also surmised what he was actually doing, and consequently informed– both his normal work colleagues and crucially his normal NHS employers, who then reported him obviously to the General Medical Council, the body that clearly statutorily regulates doctors in the UK, and which then suspended this doctor for a period of SIX months for serious professional misconduct.
A lenient punishment by all accounts but one which was summarily overturned by the Practitioners Tribunal Service that then allowed this man to vilely carry on working in the NHS as if he’d done nothing of any significance which to these bunch of very corrupt, unscrupulous and self-evidently as well white elitist assholes he obviously hadn’t. A view undoubtedly obviously held by the culprit doctor Daniel Coventry, and whose regret for what he’s done has only occurred, and been disingenuously and as well dishonestly aired simply because he was caught red-handedly; comes against the backdrop that in feudal, class infested Britain, and England specifically, the evilly vile and discernibly odious likes of Daniel Coventry in tandem with the same rather likeminded scum that comprise bodies in power arbitrarily but nevertheless actually societally and powerfully like this one the so-called Practitioners Tribunal Service– are undoubtedly essentially an elite private school mafia who are distinctly convinced in their prejudicially sick minds that their concept of elitism and self-entitlement in real effect for themselves means that they don’t have to play by the same rules as the rest of us and therefore aren’t to be held in the least bit accountable for their criminal or illicit, let alone immoral behaviour! And as Daniel Coventry is private school and as well Oxford “educated” he fit the bill quite adequately!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
3 April 2024.
Author's Remarks:
Daniel Coventry, the 34 year old doctor that pulled this stunt, whatever effectively lame excuses he makes or are being advocated on his behalf, committed a clear-cut case of Fraud and obtaining money wilfully and deliberately by deception. A mater that in essence should have been reported to the police and if found to have unquestionably been calculatingly or obviously deliberately carried out by Daniel Coventry, this matter should then have been impartially passed on to the Crown Prosecution Service, with Daniel Coventry subsequently prosecuted in court.
A quite open and shut case as I see it, as Daniel Coventry has admitted to the claim of his wrongdoing while asininely claiming that he did not read the NHS guidelines on sickness and him doing what he did. Why not if that's actually true? Could it literally, quite simply be the case because he really didn’t need to, as already he evidently knew what those rules are but was quite hell-bent on flouting them anyway?
And besides, ignorance of the law is not a valid defence in British law! And evidently far more pertinent in all this, had this guy been someone on benefits or a low paid job who'd done the same in fiddling the system as Daniel Coventry consciously and with malice and aforethought did, he or she would have been investigated by the police and prosecuted by the CPS.
Not so, however, if you're clearly perceived as elitist white, public school and Oxbridge "educated" then you're essentially immune from the law in feudal monarchical and as well serf subservient Britain. It was rather bad enough the General Medical Council, in my opinion, sweeping the matter really under the carpet by basically suspending Daniel Coventry for just 6 months; however the actions of the unconscionable and so- called Practitioners Tribunal Service, is to put it rather mildly, is predictably odiously corrupt and rather discernibly disgraceful. And there's an old Barbadian saying which essentially states: you ultimately get what you rather malevolently, corruptly impose on others. And you members of this evilly vile body the Practitioners Tribunal Service should keep your fingers very permanently crossed that neither yourselves nor any of your nearest and dearest ever fall into the hands of any rogue doctors, particularly so on a bed within an operating table with you or essentially any of these rather precious ones of yours being the patient lying there. Food for thought, wouldn't you say?
And there are clearly some of us who still vividly recall the case of another evidently very distinctly elitist Oxford student Lavinia Woodward who rather irrefutably quite viciously at the time stabbed and obviously actually nearly killed her then boyfriend, but clearly of the elitist breed the prosecution as well as the defence and Judge in the case did unanimously agree that although evidently also a "recreational" drugs user - the quite ordinary serf would be classed as a rather hardened addict, Lavinia was too bright - i.e. clever - to be dispatched off to jail with all those ordinary plebs, who unlike her just weren't bankrolled by money - and likewise a jail sentence would effectively damage her then medical training at the identical Oxford University where Daniel Coventry did his medical training. So Lavinia was essentially let off with a slap on the wrist for being a "naughty girl". Those of you who've never obviously heard of Lavinia Woodward, all you effectively, quite naturally have to do, is Google her name and quite obviously the plethora of articles relating to her and Britain's corrupt judicial system designed for the elites will appear, and obviously you'll see how criminal - no pun intended but actual reality in effect - it distinctly is. And I actually wonder how many slaps on the risk for being the quite proverbial "naughty lad" Daniel Coventry received in the past, before this present debacle of his came to the knowledge of the public generally?