
We British don’t need any education! Brexit ensures the future’s ours, so we’ve truly got it made!

By Stanley Collymore
Significant numbers of British
children, and particularly so
white ones, expressly with
their parents’ agreement and evidently
substantive co-operation, very literally
couldn’t actually care less for, or truly
be simply bothered about education.
Principally so because they’ve quite
ridiculously, as well as delusionally,
aptly, jointly convinced themselves
that these really illiterate brats will
so discernibly, rather undoubtedly,
obviously emerge, as prospective
prosperous influencers; generally
also similarly wealthy footballers
or divas and crucially celebrities;
so consequently why would they
really require anything as boring,
generally mundane and likewise
too undeniably non-essential as
education, basically notoriously
rather distinctively screwing up
their discernibly otherwise very
simply literally successful lives
and also, attendant prosperity?
Reality though, and quite assuredly
so, will undoubtedly and actually
also be very obviously vastly
different and similarly unquestionably
distinctly obviously and calamitously
rather naturally and quite irreparably
and disastrously too, for the crucial
basically overwhelming majority of
these really pathetic and fatuously
day-dreaming morons be glaringly
revealing! And as these obviously,
unquestionably, generally, literally
customarily, bastardized morons
will soon enough actually realise,
they’re obviously inevitably in for
one distinctly monumental heck
of a nasty shock when evidently
this effectively older generation
dies off; and, there are precious
few; or, much more realistically,
virtually nobody, effectively left
to really pay the requisite taxes
these delusionally self-entitled,
cretinous, moronic lowlifes will
require for their state benefits!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 January 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The Tories, their avid Labtories affiliate partners in the Official Labour Party as well as the Lib-Dems and similarly too the Nazi so-called Reform Party clearly love kids not going to school in the UK; as the sick process of them not doing so, distinctly very categorically ensures the obvious and very continuous supply chain for the next batch of distinctively, discernibly dim-witted imbeciles, who'll vote for them! Thus, likewise, ensuring the continuation within the British Isles of an entrenched, feudal, Middle Ages, overtly privileged and an obviously also self-entitled, ludicrously divine, superior monarchical system, actually in distinctly marked contrast to their surfeit of contemptibly perceived as sycophantic serfs; and quite attendant also with what is a truly noxious societal, and as well a political one that are both clearly inimical to the modern concepts of Democracy, Equality of Opportunity, and Meritocracy!

Which unquestionably, simply confirms my well researched and evidently also, fully conclusive deduction that there's no effective cure for stupidity, specifically so when you blend it with asinine and delusional notions of exclusive, white supremacy!

#SelfEntitlement #Stupidity

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