Author’s Remarks:
And accounts for how local government authorities like Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council in avid conjunction and collaboration with their likeminedly doctrinaire, hubristically and patronizingly disposed, closely knit and even incestuously endemically embroiled private sector accomplices in concertedly exercised acts of premeditated criminal culpability can quite literally and completely uncaringly get away with whatever criminal activity they either individually or more usually collectively decide to engage in; including acts like corporate mass murder as we’ve all graphically evidenced in the case of Grenfell Tower, instinctively knowing that there’ll be an official and distinctly lying cover-up if things do go dramatically and publicly wrong for them, but all the same under any of their wilfully criminal circumstances they’ll absolutely and unaccountably get away with whatever they’ve done. The classic whitewash in more ways than one!
Cognizant too, and all of the time, that they’ll be effectively buttressed on that front by consummate braindead idiots within the British police forces, and in this specific case the Metropolitan Police Force - no stranger itself to institutionalized racism and rampant public office malfeasance – like Commander – of what exactly beats me, unless it’s rank stupidity and unintelligible, intellectually challenged sycophancy – STUART CUNDY, whose body language totally contradicts the words he mechanically pukes out of his mouth whenever he speaks, and like his police colleagues in the Hillsborough catastrophe were quite willing to and actually did do in carrying out a massive cover-up of what genuinely happened then, and which Stuart Cundy, no lessons learnt by him for the simple reason that he evidently hasn’t the intellectual acumen or the capability to do so, is in the case of the Grenfell Tower Inferno mass murders idiotically, as is his wont, trying to insultingly and similarly emulate.
Thankfully though those involved in trying to get real justice for the victims of the Grenfell Tower Inferno aren’t prepared to take this public office malfeasance wilful abuse of power by the likes of Stuart Cundy lying down nor, for that matter, will they wait nearly three decades, as the Hillsborough campaigners were forced to do, to eventually see the first vestiges of light on the way to them ultimately achieving real and substantive justice for their dearly beloved and now enforcedly departed ones properly undertaken and ultimately done. And frankly and completely unapologetically, I’m 1000% in my committed support of them.