By Stanley Collymore Ah the Windsors! The Defenders o… Universe; Champions of the rich,… highly influential meddlers in Bri… politics although unelected and re…
By Stanley Collymore Demanding, and moreover actually expecting for people who’re total strangers to you, as you equally self-evidently are to them, to bot…
Typical, and not the least bit surprising to me, that this fucking Yid and menopausal Dyke while quite happy to rather noxiously, malevolently and simply characteristically, most egreg...
By Stanley Collymore Unrealistically, unchristian Brit… real as well as clearly imaginary proselytizing ones; you know the sort, are angrily up in arms,…
By Stanley Collymore Just imagine the numerous inventio… medical breakthroughs, educational… advances, health improvements and… wider and more informative awarene…
The British monarchy has successfully exploited the mass media to convince the very gullible and easily manipulated members of the public that actually its own members are somehow speci...
By Stanley Collymore To say that 2016 was an absolutely… would be a gross understatement on… and to me it’s abundantly clear th… concise evaluation of it isn’t by…
By Stanley Collymore Birthdays and the invariably gratu… countless and usually nondescript… meant to be special occasions happ… who are determinedly intent on obs…
By Stanley Collymore Very requisite to these discernibl… quite ongoing UK monarchical visits to the Ukraine! They’re all of them in the actually undoub…
By Stanley Collymore I don’t want a fight with you, so I’m doing the civilised thing and dumping you out of my life—
People in Britain being forced to use food banks to physically survive and an hereditary, unelected perceived as king by these distinctly identically same serf morons who’re currently i...
By Stanley Collymore A Republican congressman Doesn’t want a Democrat President to continue In office. Now there’s a surprise…
By Stanley Collymore Having expectations are all right… basing them on unrealistic hopes or delusions of grandeur, however,
By Stanley Collymore Being a jobsworth is so very easy, natural and likewise affordable these days in an undeniably patently and discernibly selfish,…
By Stanley Collymore Stop putting on a show for my benefit as I’m not the least impressed by it. Frankly, I don’t give a damn