I have no fear at all of anyone or anything; not even death. And until I draw my last breath this position, which I have always resolutely maintained, will unalterably for me remain th...
By Stanley Collymore You’re both of you entitled to you… opinions just as your critics are to theirs, but which obviously differ from yours. And very signif…
By Stanley Collymore If I hadn’t known differently I c… thought I was dreaming or even hal… but thankfully I was not; for the… I pleasurably underwent was real e…
By Stanley Collymore How unexceptional this standard an… ad nauseam used statement: “I’m no… abused by those who’re themselves… deeply, invariably incurably and s…
By Stanley Collymore What God or religion for that mat… or condones the gratuitous killing… sadistic slaughter of innocent civ… some of them mere children that
By Stanley Collymore Israel and the USA specifically have done their very best to try and actually carve up the Middle East to suit their nee…
By Stanley Collymore Harry is a responsible adult and a committed, loyal, distinctly trustworthy and devoted husband happily living with his wi…
By Stanley Collymore Non-flamboyantly confident, comple… of all traces of propagandistic ga… grandstanding, sickeningly in your… hubris or any veneer of concertedl…
By Stanley Collymore Hate is a controversial feeling an… sentiment that directly affects an… invariably does compulsively consu… lives of millions of infected indi…
Self-serving and utterly conceited with it! That’s your uniformed approach to life specifically, everything associated with it, and all else that one can clearly arrogant opinions which...
By Stanley Collymore Genius is in today’s largely intellectually challenged Western World, a word which is grossly and grotesquely
By Stanley Collymore Let’s scrub out the tan and make y… comparable to exquisitely beautifu… and determinedly superior, white Caucasian women: a common
By Stanley Collymore Most whites in Britain evidently delusionally, see themselves as Anglo Saxons when obviously essentially they simply aren’t, an…
By Stanley Collymore Fifty-one years ago, precisely on… Barbados acquired its independence… with that decisive declaration bec… and independent country amongst th…
Words can be skilfully crafted and stylishly choreographed to present a marvellous or even a spell-binding impression but when carefully scrutinized are sadly found, as the initial inte...