Author's Remarks:
I most approvingly and supportively applaud your very courageous, highly commendable bravery and its direct accompanied action in speaking out Alexandra Wilson, and earnestly wish that many more Black people from all walks of life would do the same.
Rather sickeningly though are the considerable number of whites who personally know what's going on in these diverse incidences of malicious and toxic racism, yet neither speak out against it nor do anything positive to stop it. Because essentially, either directly or indirectly, they are a salient part of the problem.
Well Alexandra Wilson the dormant mongooses have awoken from their period of forbearance and as they physically did with the snakes in the cane fields of the Caribbean, our human versions will likewise act here in Blighty!
Und das, Alexandra Wilson und all die anderen rassistisch missbrauchten Opfer, ist ein kategorisches Versprechen!