I awake as I’m walking down stairs in the night.
Blinded by darkness, I reach for a light.
But no light is found, I must brave the dark,
And trust that my eyes might generate a spark.
But even my eyes won’t offer assistance,
I still might prevail with a little persistance.
Now stepping carefully, ever so slow,
As if walking barefoot on ice-covered snow.
One step defeated, many others awaiting,
The darkness grows thicker; the walls begin fading.
Just then, a dim light, in the middle of the room...
A fuzzy blue orb casting a purplish gloom.
I’m startled, I stumble and grab for the wall,
But the structure has melted; threatening a fall.
The gloom and the stairs are all that remain
And myself, lacking courage that I hadn’t attained.
I reach deep down to the pit of my stomach
and take another step, which causes my plummet.
Head over heels I topple, and fast.
I can see at the bottom lie a hard, painful past.
Teeth clenching loud, anticipating impact,
As I hit the floor hard, making full contact
With memories of past that were buried too deep.
Memories that no one would consciously keep.
If only I had kept them, hadn’t hid them away,
I may have been blessed to see another day.
Instead I ignored them, as though they weren’t there.
In turn, I lie still... at the bottom of the stairs.