Billy Vinson

I've Lived

I’ve lived sixty years
and pray for twenty more,
because there’s things I want to do
before I am done for.
I want to see my grandkids
graduate from school,
and pray that they always
do by the golden rule.
I want to see 'em make good
and righteous choices,
and remember to speak
with sweet and kindly voices.
I want my girls and their spouses
to grow old and gray,
and stay healthy and happy
every single day.
I want my wife and I
to remain best friends,
and continue to stay blessed
up to the very end.
I want to buy all my friends
a kit kat bar,
and I want them to know
just how special they really are.
I want those that’s lent me a hand
to know,
that I appreciate what they did
and to them I owe.
and I want to thank Christ
my glorious saviour,
for forgiving my sins
for all my bad behavior.:)
Other works by Billy Vinson...
