Allan Robinson

I have a virus or I think it could be flu

I have a virus or I think it could be flu,
Keep your distance if I was you,
I’m shivering and shaking like an Eskimo in an igloo.
I have a virus or I think it could be flu,
My body aches as like I have run a marathon,
And my nose runs fast its dribbling all the time,
this big stuffy old red nose is no friend of mine.
I have a virus or I think it could be flu
My head is pounding my eyes watering
And streaming all over my face,
My friends say I look like death warmed up,
It looks a proper disgrace.
I think it might be a virus or it could be flu,
Coughing and sneezing people say bless you,
All I can say is aaattt ish choo.
I think it might be a virus or it could be flu,
I have a really bad aching head,
I think its the time I took paracetamol,
A nice hot water bottle and get into my nice warm bed  
© Copyright 2015 Allan Robinson


We all get cold flue and viruses and feel like this

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