A Broken Poet

The Truck of My Dreams

1984 Dodge Ram 150....The truck that made me.

Down the backroads I go
with my father by my side,
Riding from the dump
Instead sundays were for the guys

Mowing the grass all morning
and evening it come...
The sun shining bright
on the yard, I was your son

Goin down the road
walkin slow to get the mail,
Seeing the truck under the trees
covered in leaves, it never failed

When she starts its a pur
that cannot be ignored,
I grew up inside that truck
Wish I was happy it isn’t yours

In my mind it is...
Because you showed me the way...
Now every chance I have to fly
That is the road I take

Even when you pass...
Ill still miss who you were,
The man who stood so tall
That every step, shook the earth.

I reside deep in the backroads
Where that whistle always plays,
Def Leopard rang in my ears
As the wind was all I could taste

The speed was like a dream
Crank windows and dented sides,
Nobody knows my happiness
Cause it always seemed like a crime

But that truck... That truck....
Yes that truck has done it,
I miss the house and yard
Badminton and gettin buckets

I miss speeding down the driveway
with that whistle in my mind...
Yesterday was the day I could say
That Now that whistle is mine:)

Thank You for teaching me how to be/Not to be... Thank you for your kindness in the past... Thank you for stepping to the plate when no one else would’ve. Thank You for taking me with you on that long journey to camp, the dump, Wawa and even morning school rides.
My heart longs to forgive but my mind is tainted by recent events. Hopefully....HOPEFULLY One day... WE can ride together again and I can look at your face as I did before. Before all the pain and abandonment had set in... The step father that took care of me, Flew me around the house, Provided for us, worked hard and struggled.
The cookouts, Football in the front yard and Driving that 1984 Dodge Ram with me on the passenger side. I now know the means of being a man....and I’m more prepared than ever.
.....Thank You Tony

I Love this Truck and the memories made in it as a child.


Other works by A Broken Poet...
