Игорь Выхованец

Propagandists and the Hollow Crowd

Propagandists and the Hollow Crowd

Boldly we will spread deception,
Sold our souls at youth’s inception.
Those with honor never dare
Turn the crowd to fools... or snare?


Puppet Regimes of Tiny Banana Pseudo-States

The broth is thin, the stakes are low,
The bottom’s near, and off we go.
Wax your skis, prepare to slide—
The abyss waits on every side.

But here’s the catch: the tale’s the same
In bigger lands with grander names.
The broth turns sour, the rot sets in,
Most drink despair, a bitter sin.

Few will rise, resist the game,
In this grotesque world of shame.


The Brainwashed

They march ahead, the creatures’ creed,
Disguised as kindness, pure deceit.
Corrupting hearts, they sow the seed
Of lies beneath deception’s sheet.

A chosen few see through the haze,
This shallow world, both cruel and grim.
But scorn is heaped on those who gaze,
For Satan reigns as idol dim.

Yet veiled it lies in honeyed guise,
A mix of nonsense, vile and grim.
The devil’s rule grows bold, defies—
Thus spreads fascism’s vicious hymn.

Reject the lies, forge thoughts anew,
Though stress may rise, stand firm, confess.
By doing so, you’ll save the true
And fragile soul of weightless press.

Six grams they claim, by falsehoods bound,
Yet Reason knows it holds the All.
Forsake the crowd, its wailing sound—
Find your own path, and heed the call.


True Love

A man and woman lose their way,
Obsessed with bonds that lead astray.
They shrink their lives to just one frame,
Destroying essence, fanning flames.

The truth is clear, though oft ignored:
Love’s not just lust, it holds much more.
For generations, blind, they stray,
And strengthen beasts who rule the day.

If love were true, if hearts were whole,
The world would not in darkness roll.
But now, beneath a cruel regime,
We drown in hate—a fascist dream.


The Endless Stream of Meaningless Decay

The “truth” once clear has turned to haze,
Reborn as nonsense in its ways.
Delusions mocked, yet still they stay,
Within our souls’ chaotic fray.

What’s the cause? It’s blind belief,
A tool they wield to mask the thief.
The bold few think, the rest obey,
A shepherd leads the herd astray.

What he declares, they call their creed,
Oppose him? Punishment’s decreed.
The daring few endure the pain,
Unbowed, they rise against the chain.

For sense they seek where lies are sown,
And claim their reason as their own.
Through toil they shape their minds anew,
Though pointless work—it serves the few.

Not for the herd this labor’s worth,
But for the bold who prove their birth.
Their joy is found in pages vast,
Where kindred spirits meet at last.


So-Called “Education”

A schooling in delusion’s art,
And nonsense wrapped in pompous guise,
Passed on to each new mind and heart,
To keep the world beneath disguise.
With lies adorned, then sugarcoated,
And dusted lightly with deceit,
The basest folly, once promoted,
Becomes a “breakthrough” most elite.

The “higher realms” of thought proclaimed,
Yet bribes and lies hold tight the reigns,
While souls are shackled, bent, and maimed—
This is the “order” preordained.
And so, the bitter truth’s concealed,
With sweetness masking wounds unhealed.


The Easy Pseudo-Life of a “Fool”

Mad folly breaks the chains
Of servitude and dread.
It spills like ink-stained rains,
A bridle turned to thread.

A mind soaked in this brew
Sees shackles turn to play.
False knowledge, folly’s hue—
And worlds are born each day.


Independent Search

“Knowledge”—a force:
For the dim, of course...
For the wise, it’s seeking truth,
Finding worth in this frail world’s course,
If you face the Spirit’s proof.

If the questions that you ponder
Find their answers in your soul,
Among the rare, the true, you’ll wander,
Breaking free from blind control.

But should “knowledge” lure your being—
Deceit’s rubble waits ahead.
With the fools you’ll find agreeing,
Trusting lies that beasts have spread.

Science twisted, truth perverted,
Media’s rot: a stinking sham.
Use your mind, with spirit girded,
And no one will call you damned.


The Herd’s Truth

Will silence bring the truth to light?
Not a chance! Come, Chaos, fight!
Hey, you dimwits, fall in line—
Grab your brew, it’s battle time!


The All-Conquering Troop

Mastered games,
Faked the science—
Troop of fame,
Twisted alliance.
Bright in spirit, lone ascension—
Widespread moral decomposition.


The “Grace” of Total Lies

“All is calm, a sweet delight”...
Yet to me, it feels contrite.
I’ll expose the Filth in sight,
And end the reign of lying light!


A Comparison of English and Russian Readers

The English reader shines far brighter,
While “Russian world” is but a curse.
For poets, ’tis no friend but blighter—
A broken idol, worse and worse.


The Lowest Ranks of Worldly Rule

“In the prison’s social hierarchy, established in the 1960s, there are four main casts ('ranks’) among inmates: the thieves ('blacks’), the common men ('grays’), the collaborators ('reds’), and the outcasts ('blues’).”
—Valery Abramkin, “Prison Subculture”

The crisis of “power”—a rank debased!
Servants of beasts in fawning disgrace.
They stir up passions in stinking airs,
Fools believe in their empty snares.

Orders come from depraved shadows’ might,
The gray cardinal stays out of sight.
No jest remains, the world descends,
A pit with no bottom, where reason ends.

Here, sheep are led by goatish guides,
To ruin’s cliff, where deceit resides.
The talking heads on every screen
Proclaim their lies in polished sheen.

“Presidents,” “ministers,”—titles grand,
Yet emptier words one cannot withstand.
The misty world sees but a few
Who glimpse the rot beneath the view.

Convince the fool? A hopeless cause—
He trusts the lies, ignores the flaws.
Soft they weave their deceitful thread,
Only to snare with lies unsaid.


Endless Slavery

Get to work, you fools, and hurry!
Not the rats in suits or jury,
Not the spies or schemers hollow,
Not the media’s mad to follow—

Work for crumbs and shaky shelters,
“By God’s will!”—or so they tell us.
Bow and break until you’re dying,
Truth ignored, with fools complying.

Never grasping all the LYING:
To the rulers, sheep’s worth buying.
Sheared and slaughtered, just like cattle,
That’s all nations in this battle.

Monsters rule us, servile masses,
Politicians kiss their asses.
Bribed or blackmailed—slimy dealings,
Anger boils past all concealing.



For some scraps and shelter grim,
We’ve replaced our God with him.
To the Party, all our cheers—
Genius towering through the years!

As for stinking dissidents,
Blind to “glorious” events,
Lock them up! It’s less a strain
When we’re free of whiners’ pain.

Paradise on Earth we’ll make,
If we give twice what we take.
For now, behold our grand Camp’s fame—
Its flag so soaked in blood and shame.


Yes, the truth is drenched in gore,
Not for progress, less for more.
Communism feeds on killing,
Its defeat? A wishful billing.

Plans arise in beasts once more,
Sheep will bow to evil’s roar.
They’ll erect a mega-Camp—
A crimson cross on white, blood-damped.


The main questions

Ask the questions that truly matter,
Let the answers of others scatter—
It’s not the answers but questions, see,
That unravel life’s mystery.

In “knowledge,” distortions creep,
Spawned by fiends in shadows deep,
Crafted lies to keep us bound,
In the dark, where truth’s not found.


The Rise of Evil

Cold and hunger, endless strife,
And the Crone with Scythe in life.
Such are prospects fate will give,
If you dream “to happily live.”
In this Hell, don’t turn away—
Fight the Monstrosity’s sway.



A spiteful clown stands to the right,
A super-villain’s on the left.
“Just scoundrels!” someone shouts outright,
But scoundrels, too, are job-bereft.

The stagehand brings a script anew,
To hand it out for all to read.
The wretches spout absurd untrue,
And crush the “people” with their creed.

If war’s the act, the stage’s aflame,
They’ll spark it fast—it’s all the rage.
And “Global Madhouse” earns its name,
As neighbors clash in savage rage.

The flames will cool. Another clown,
Approved by Evil, takes his place.
Once more, the crowd is tranced, spellbound,
By lies they wear as truth’s embrace.


Geometric Games with
Shifting Minus into Plus, etc.

A fixed idea—Axis X,
And Y is Fooll Corrupted Press.
On this flat plane, thought’s lost its flex—
Madness is Z. What games? Confess!

All “upward” flows, engulfed by night:
The crags, the peaks, the hills, the gullies.
And “downward”?—What remains of light
Is drowned in moonshine’s wretched follies.

They’re silent—how can Sense withstand
The drivel smothering the nation?
Dishonor spirals, hand in hand—
The world rots out in resignation.

The wars have shown them what is plain,
As CowID once did. The madhouse lingers.
Its Depths now reached. The price? Insane,
Through sly deceit and cunning fingers.

Where minus flips to mimic plus,
All virtue falls under negative selection.
The wise are but a little mass
Amongst the fools lost in defection.


The Farce of Left and Right

Left! Right! Left! Right!
You go left, I turn right.
Zombies heed grotesque oration,
Mocking nature’s grand creation.

From the left, a clown is preaching,
Soon a brighter world beseeching.
On the right, a jester’s vision
Guards traditions with precision.

Politics—a foolish play,
Few can see through its display.
Both the red-haired puppets’ gold
Feeds the farce that’s bought and sold.

Genocide’s decree is clear,
Carried out by vermin here.
Change the puppet—same old game,
For the beasts remain the same.


All poems are located at address http://vykhovanets.yzz.me

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