Black and white photo of young girl drowning
Zac Forrest


The struggle for life is constant
An uphill battle
A war, never to be won
An inevitable loss, only to be prolonged
Life is such a fickle thing
My lungs hurt
They’ve been holding in air for too long
I try to swim up
But deep down, I know I can’t escape
The current drags me down
I feel like I should be scared, or angry, or forlorn
I feel cold
Nothing more
The struggle is indescribable
The enveloping darkness
The draining kiss of the water on my skin
I don’t understand anything
I don’t know who I am, or where I am, or what is happening
But I feel cold
And empty
In my moments of lucidity I know only that I cannot breathe
And what frightens me the most is when I finally forget even that
And I drift away into the dark abyss of eternity.

I really like this poem as a result of its underlying tones of existential dread. I hope you enjoy!

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