I have no friends I have no home Till my time ends I’ll be alone I’ll be alone
I come to you Beaten Bruised I have faced everything Everyone
I love these times. When you get a chance to just sit… Basking in the sun, laying down on… Staring out. The azure sky.
The eyes constantly watch me, Digging into my flesh like razors, Judging every move I make, Every letter my pen writes, Glaring into my soul with contempt…
Its eyes pierce my soul. Deep crimson, they are. I try to lift my rifle, but I fin… I’m trembling. Trembling!
Coughing up blood How? Why? I never smoked in my life I haven’t drank since 20
The charcoal sky crowned a dreary… Moonlight drifting to the floor Silence Blanketing An old predator prowled
The rats, oh the rats, are crawlin… They scurry and run, and they run,… They bite and then bleed and then… The stench of the rats sickens, th… They screech as they crunch under…
Why? It hurts So so much Please I’m still here
An explosion of sound The most discordant tones Clash with the most emotive harmon… Colour streaks around me The most vibrant hues
Fragile fractals compose my flesh Porcelain ligaments Glass muscles Slightest slip up Biggest mistake
You kneel there So far from grace Look at what you were And what you have been reduced to It seems not so long ago that I f…
I breathe in. The blackness floods into me, cold… The last shreds of light flicker o… There is nothing now. No joy.
It would be so easy to let go Imagine that Let the current wash me away I’d like to But every time I try to
The rain hits my window I stare at the ceiling The soft patter next to me Apathy I just feel apathy