Yancy Blush

g i r l

“I’m insecure about my acne.
I have so much of it on my forehead and all over my face.
Everyone at school makes fun of me because of it.
Often times I’ll cry myself to sleep most nights thinking about it.
I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
[Girl #2]
“I’m insecure about my weight.
Everywhere I go I see a lot of skinny or average weight chicks
hanging with popular and attractive guys.
I’m always sitting in the corner wondering if I’ll ever see the day
when I’ll have someone to call my own.”
[Girl #3]
“I recently had a baby and ever since then I have been struggling to come  to terms with my stretch marks.
I have them all across my stomach and in and around my waist.
I’m not even sure if my boyfriend still finds me attractive.
Often times during sex I can’t even enjoy the moment because that is all I will think about.”
[Girl #4]
“I’m insecure about how I look without make-up.
I don’t feel that I have that naturally beautiful look if I am not wearing it.
I find myself becoming jealous of certain friends or acquaintances of mine who do.
[Girl #5]
"My boyfriend has several female friends that he and I like to hang with from time to time.
They are all very attractive and have everything that most men desire in a girl.
The problem I have is that every time that we hang out with them I always feel so insecure.
The reason why I always feel this way is because they have bigger breasts and butts than me.
I worry one day that my boyfriend will dump me for one of them.”
[Girl #6]
“I’m very shy when it comes to guys that I like.
I don’t know how to approach them and am always scared to approach them
for fear of rejection.”
[Girl #7]
“My boyfriend hasn’t been texting me as much as he used to.
I noticed that his desire to be around me has gradually decreased.
I’m worried he may be cheating on me."
Who cares how much acne you have?
Who cares how much you weigh?
Who cares how much make-up you wear?
Who cares how big your breasts are?
Who cares how big your butt is?
No one.
None of these things define you.
You are beautiful in every way, shape and form
whether you choose to believe it or not.
Change is a natural part of life
Even beauty is an evolution in and of itself
It does not mean you are any less beautiful than you were the day you were born.
You were born to be you.


This poem is for all the girls who struggle from day to day accepting who they are as well as those who struggle to identify their natural beauty for what it truly is. No matter how you look, how much you weigh or how much make-up you wear you don't need any of those things to be considered beautiful. Just know that you are loved.


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