Two different worlds, but pretty similar
I am from this world where everything seem perfect
people still judge but not by where you from
but how your doll look
everything have to do with money instead of love.
I’m from this other world where people
judge you for everything
judging is a virus that most people get affected
everything have to do with race, money, education
you can be educated but still get judge just by trying
to do something with your life
this other world, I don’t have to be myself, I can be anyone
I want but I still get judge even if I try to be perfect
I will always miss a piece of the puzzle
can i spent my life depending on love in this world?
it’s unreal, not having internet it’s like being in coma
me being offline is like me sleeping
I rule this world
but one day I have to surrender by hate, disparity
where else do i have to go
after living the real world
i’m stuck and no one can’t help me