William Wordsworth

Sonnets from the River Duddon: Sonnet II


Child of the clouds! remote from every taint
Of sordid industry thy lot is cast;
Thine are the honours of the lofty waste;
Not seldom, when with heat the valleys faint,
Thy hand—maid Frost with spangled tissue quaint
Thy cradle decks; —to chaunt thy birth, thou hast
No meaner Poet than the whistling Blast,
And Desolation is thy Patron—saint!
She guards thee, ruthless Power! who would not spare
Those mighty forests, once the bison’s screen,
Where stalked the huge deer to his shaggy lair
Through paths and alleys roofed with sombre green,
Thousands of years before the silent air
Was pierced by whizzing shaft of hunter keen.
Otras obras de William Wordsworth...
