Reluctant Summer! once, a maid Full easy of access, In many a bee-frequented shade Thou didst thy lover bless. Divinely unreproved I played,
A fearful and a lovely thing is S… And mighty store of secrets hath i… And those there were of old who we… What meant his fearfulness and lov… And all his many shapes of life an…
A beckoning spirit of gladness see… That lightly danced in laughing ai… The earth was all in tune, and you… Of Nature’s happy chorus. ’Twas like a vernal morn, yet over…
So, without overt breach, we fall… Tacitly sunder—neither you nor I Conscious of one intelligible Why… And both, from severance, winning… So, with resigned and acquiescent…
In the night, in the night, When thou liest alone, Ah, the sounds that are blown In the freaks of the breeze, By the spirit that sends
Often ornateness Goes with greatness; Oftener felicity Comes of simplicity. Talent that’s cheapest
The men who man our batteries, The men who serve our guns, They need not honeyed flatteries, For they are Britain’s sons! They go, when Duty speeds them,
A letter from abroad. I tear Its sheathing open, unaware What treasure gleams within; and t… Like bird from cage– Flutters a curl of golden hair
That beauty such as thine Can die indeed, Were ordinance too wantonly malign… No wit may reconcile so cold a cre… With beauty such as thine.
It was a skipper of Lowestoft That trawled the northern sea, In a smack of thrice ten tons and… And the Britain’s Pride
Wave and wind and willow-tree Speak a speech that no man knoweth… Tree that sigheth, wind that blowe… Wave that floweth to the sea: Wave and wind and willow-tree.
Thy voice from inmost dreamland ca… The wastes of sleep thou makest fa… Bright o’er the ridge of darkness… The cataract of thy hair. The morn renews its golden birth:
Low, like another’s, lies the laur… The life that seemed a perfect son… Carry the last great bard to his l… Land that he loved, thy noblest vo… Land that he loved, that loved him…
They wrong’d not us, nor sought 'g… The bitter battle. On their God t… For succour, deeming justice to ab… In heaven, if banish’d from earth’… And when they rose with a gall’d l…
Had I the fabled herb That brought to life the dead, Whom would I dare disturb In his eternal bed? Great Grenville would I wake,