William Shenstone

Ode, Written 1739

Urit spes animi credula mutui.-Hor.
Fond hope of a reciprocal desire
Inflames the breast.
’Twas not by beauty’s aid alone
That Love usurp’d his airy throne,
His boasted power display’d;
’Tis kindness that secures his aim,
’Tis hope that feeds the kindling flame
Which beauty first convey’d.
In Clara’s eyes the lightning view;
Her lips with all the rose’s hue
Have all its sweets combined;
Yet vain the blush, and faint the fire,
Till lips at once, and eyes, conspire
To prove the charmer kind—
Though wit might gild the tempting snare
With softest accent, sweetest air,
By envy’s self admired;
If Lesbia’s wit betray’d her scorn,
In vain might every Grace adorn
What every Muse inspired.
Thus airy Strephon tuned his lyre–
He scorn’d the pangs of wild desire,
Which lovesick swains endure;
Resolved to brave the keenest dart,
Since frowns could never wound his heart;
And smiles-must ever cure.
But, ah! how false these maxims prove,
How frail security from love,
Experience hourly shows;
Love can imagined smiles supply;
On every charming lip and eye
Eternal sweets bestows.
In vain we trust the fair one’s eyes;
In vain the sage explores the skies,
To learn from stars his fate;
Till, led by fancy wide astray,
He finds no planet mark his way;
Convinced and wise-too late.
As partial to their words we prove,
Then boldly join the lists of love,
With towering hopes supplied:
So heroes, taught by doubtful shrines,
Mistook their deity’s designs;
Then took the field-and died.
Autres oeuvres par William Shenstone...
