William Schwenck Gilbert

Don’T Forget!

Now, Marco, dear,
My wishes hear:
While you’re away
It’s understood
You will be good,
And not too gay.
To every trace
Of maiden grace
You will be blind,
And will not glance
By any chance
On womankind!
If you are wise,
You’ll shut your eyes
Till we arrive,
And not address
A lady less
Than forty-five;
You’ll please to frown
On every gown
That you may see;
And O, my pet,
You won’t forget
You’ve married me!
O, my darling, O, my pet,
Whatever else you may forget,
In yonder isle beyond the sea,
O, don’t forget you’ve married me!
You’ll lay your head
Upon your bed
At set of sun.
You will not sing
Of anything
To any one:
You’ll sit and mope
All day, I hope,
And shed a tear
Upon the life
Your little wife
Is passing here!
And if so be
You think of me,
Please tell the moon;
I’ll read it all
In rays that fall
On the lagoon:
You’ll be so kind
As tell the wind
How you may be,
And send me words
By little birds
To comfort me!
And O, my darling, O, my pet,
Whatever else you may forget,
In yonder isle beyond the sea,
O, don’t forget you’ve married me!
Altre opere di William Schwenck Gilbert...
