Reader! behold a monument That asks no sigh or tear, Though it perpetuate the event Of a great burial here.
’Tis morning; and the sun with rud… Ascending, fires the horizon: whil… That crowd away before the driving… More ardent as the disk emerges mo… Resemble most some city in a blaze…
(Isaiah, IX. 15-20) Hear what God the Lord hath spoke… “O my people, faint and few, Comfortless, afflicted, broken, Fair abodes I build for you.
Ah! reign, wherever man is found! My spouse, beloved and divine! Then I am rich, and I abound, When every human heart is thine. A thousand sorrows pierce my soul,
Thou hast no lightnings, O thou J… Or I their force should know; And, if thou strike me into dust, My soul approves the blow. The heart, that values less its ea…
(Genesis, XXII.14) The saints should never be dismay’… Nor sink in hopeless fear; For when they least expect His ai… The Saviour will appear.
To tell the Saviour all my wants, How pleasing is the task! Nor less to praise Him when He gr… Beyond what I can ask. My laboring spirit vainly seeks
Oh that those lips had language!… With me but roughly since I heard… Those lips are thine’thy own swe… The same that oft in childhood sol… Voice only fails, else, how distin…
(Matthew, XIII.3) Ye sons of earth prepare the ploug… Break up your fallow ground; The sower is gone forth to sow, And scatter blessings round.
To Jesus, the crown of my hope, My soul is in haste to be gone; O bear me, ye cherubim, up, And waft me away to His throne! My Saviour, whom absent I love,
Cowper had sinned with some excuse… If, bound in rhyming tethers, He had committed this abuse Of changing ewes for wethers; But, male for female is a trope,
When Aulus, the nocturnal thief,… Of Hermes, swift-wing’d envoy of… Hermes, Arcadia’s king, the thief… Who when an infant stole Apollo’s… And whom, as arbiter and overseer
A needle, small as small can be, In bulk and use surpasses me, Nor is my purchase dear; For little, and almost for nought As many of my kind are bought
Fond youth! who dream’st that hoar… Is needful not alone to pay For all thy various items sold, To serve the wants of every day; Bread, vinegar, and oil, and meat,
Source of love, and light of day, Tear me from myself away; Every view and thought of mine Cast into the mould of thine; Teach, O teach this faithless hea…