William Barnes

Spring: Eclogue



John and Fanny.



Now, Fanny, ’tis too bad, you teazèn maïd!
How leäte you be a’ come! Where have ye staÿ'd?
How long you have a-meäde me waït about!
I thought you werden gwaïn to come ageän:
I had a mind to goo back hwome ageän.
This idden when you promis’d to come out.


Now 'tidden any good to meäke a row,
Upon my word, I cooden come till now.
Vor I’ve a-been kept in all day by mother,
At work about woone little job an’ t’other.
If you do want to goo, though, don’t ye staÿ
Vor me a minute longer, I do praÿ.


I thought you mid be out wi’ Jemmy Bleäke,


An’ why be out wi’ him, vor goodness’ seäke?


You walk’d o’ Zunday evenèn wi’n, d’ye know,
You went vrom church a-hitch’d up in his eärm.


Well, if I did, that werden any harm.
Lauk! that is zome’at to teäke notice o’.


He took ye roun’ the middle at the stile,
An’ kiss’d ye twice 'ithin the ha’f a mile.


Ees, at the stile, because I shoulden vall,
He took me hold to help me down, that’s all;
An’ I can’t zee what very mighty harm
He could ha’ done a-lendèn me his eärm.
An’ as vor kissèn o’ me, if he did,
I didden ax en to, nor zay he mid:
An’ if he kiss’d me dree times, or a dozen,
What harm wer it? Why idden he my cousin?
An’ I can’t zee, then, what there is amiss
In cousin Jem’s jist gi’èn me a kiss.


Well, he shan’t kiss ye, then; you shan’t be kiss’d
By his girt ugly chops, a lanky houn’!
If I do zee’n, I’ll jist wring up my vist
An’ knock en down.
I’ll squot his girt pug-nose, if I don’t miss en;
I’ll warn I’ll spweil his pretty lips vor kissèn!


Well, John, I’m sure I little thought to vind
That you had ever sich a jealous mind.
What then! I s’pose that I must be a dummy,
An’ mussen goo about nor wag my tongue
To any soul, if he’s a man, an’ young;
Or else you’ll work yourzelf up mad wi’ passion,
An’ talk away o’ gi’èn vo’k a drashèn,
An’ breakèn bwones, an’ beäten heads to pummy!
If you’ve a-got sich jealous ways about ye,
I’m sure I should be better off 'ithout ye.


Well, if girt Jemmy have a-won your heart,
We’d better break the coortship off, an’ peärt.


He won my heart! There, John, don’t talk sich stuff;
Don’t talk noo mwore, vor you’ve a-zaid enough.
If I’d a-lik’d another mwore than you,
I’m sure I shoulden come to meet ye zoo;
Vor I’ve a-twold to father many a storry,
An’ took o’ mother many a scwoldèn vor ye.
But 'twull be over now, vor you shan’t zee me
Out wi’ ye noo mwore, to pick a quarrel wi’ me.


Well, Fanny, I woon’t zay noo mwore, my dear.
Let’s meäke it up. Come, wipe off thik there tear.
Let’s goo an’ zit o’ top o’ theäse here stile,
An’ rest, an’ look about a little while.


Now goo away, you crabbed jealous chap!
You shan’t kiss me,—you shan’t! I’ll gi’ ye a slap.


Then you look smilèn; don’t you pout an’ toss
Your head so much, an’ look so very cross.


Now, John! don’t squeeze me roun’ the middle zoo.
I woon’t stop here noo longer, if you do.
Why, John! be quiet, wull ye? Fie upon it!
Now zee how you’ve a-wrumpl’d up my bonnet!
Mother’ill zee it after I’m at hwome,
An’ gi’e a guess directly how it come.


Then don’t you zay that I be jealous, Fanny.


I wull: vor you be jealous, Mister Jahnny.
There’s zomebody a-comèn down the groun’
Towards the stile. Who is it? Come, get down
I must run hwome, upon my word then, now;
If I do staÿ, they’ll kick up sich a row.
Good night. I can’t staÿ now.


Then good night, Fanny!
Come out a-bit to-morrow evenèn, can ye?
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