William Barnes

Fall: A-Haulen O’ The Corn

Ah! yesterday, you know, we carr’d
     The piece o’ corn in Zidelen Plot,
An’ work’d about it pretty hard,
     An’ vound the weather pretty hot.
‘Twer all a-tied an’ zet upright
In tidy hile o’ Monday night;
Zoo yesterday in afternoon
We zet, in eaernest, ev’ry woone
           A-haulen o’ the corn.
The hosses, wi’ the het an’ lwoad,
     Did froth, an’ zwang vrom zide to zide,
A-gwain along the dousty road,
     An’ seem’d as if they would a-died.
An’ wi’ my collar all undone,
An’ neck a-burnen wi’ the zun,
I got, wi’ work, an’ doust, an’ het,
So dry at last, I coulden spet,
                 A-haulen o’ the corn.
At uncle’s orcha’d, gwain along,
     I begged some apples, vor to quench
My drith, o’ Poll that wer among
     The trees: but she, a saucy wench,
Toss’d over hedge some crabs vor fun.
I squail’d her, though, an’ meaede her run;
An’ zoo she gie’d me, vor a treat,
A lot o’ stubberds vor to eat.
                 A-haulen o’ the corn.
An’ up at rick, Jeaene took the flagon,
     An’ gi’ed us out zome eaele; an’ then
I carr’d her out upon the waggon,
     Wi’ bread an’ cheese to gi’e the men.
An’ there, vor fun, we dress’d her head
Wi’ nodden poppies bright an’ red,
As we wer catchen vrom our laps,
Below a woak, our bits an’ draps,
                 A-haulen o’ the corn.
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