John Oxenham

Watchman! What Of The Night?

   Watchman!    What of the night?
   No light we see,—
   Our souls are bruised and sickened with the sight
   Of this foul crime against humanity.
   The Ways are dark——
                “I SEE THE MORNING LIGHT!”
  —The Ways are dark;
   Faith folds her wings; and Hope, in piteous plight,
   Has dimmed her radiant lamp to feeblest spark.
   Love bleeding lies——
                “I SEE THE MORNING LIGHT!”
  —Love bleeding lies,
   Struck down by this grim fury of despight,
   Which once again her Master crucifies.
   He dies again——
                “I SEE THE MORNING LIGHT!”
  —He dies again,
   By evil slain!    Who died for man’s respite
   By man’s insensate rage again is slain.
   O woful sight!——
                “I SEE THE MORNING LIGHT!
  —Beyond the war-clouds and the reddened ways,
   I see the Promise of the Coming Days!
   I see His Sun arise, new-charged with grace
   Earth’s tears to dry and all her woes efface!
   Christ lives!    Christ loves!    Christ rules!
   No more shall Might,
   Though leagued with all the Forces of the Night,
   Ride over Right.    No more shall Wrong
   The world’s gross agonies prolong.
   Who waits His Time shall surely see
   The triumph of His Constancy;—
   When, without let, or bar, or stay,
   The coming of His Perfect Day
   Shall sweep the Powers of Night away;—
       And Faith, replumed for nobler flight,
       And Hope, aglow with radiance bright,
       And Love, in loveliness bedight,
                           SHALL GREET THE MORNING LIGHT!”
Otras obras de John Oxenham...
