Though every nerve be strained To fine accomplishment, Full oft the life fall spent Before the prize is gained. And, in our discontent
And we ourselves? Are our hand… Are our souls free from blame For this world-tragedy? Nay then! Like all the rest, We had relaxed our hold on higher…
Watchman! What of the night? No light we see,— Our souls are bruised and sickened… Of this foul crime against humanit… The Ways are dark——
God is a zealous pruner, For He knows— Who, falsely tender, spares the kn… But spoils the rose.
“My heart to-day Is strangely full of home! How is it With the dear ones over there? Five years!
Flora, with wondrous feathers in h… Rain-soaked, and limp, and feeling… With flowers of sorts in her full… Back to the railings, there by Ch… And cursed the weather and a blank…
Lord, give me faith!—to live from… With tranquil heart to do my simpl… And, with my hand in Thine, just… Lord, give me faith!—to trust, if… With quiet mind in all things The…
Britain! Our Britain! uprisen in… Of your white wrath at treacheries… Roused from your sleep, become onc… Of those high things which make li… Now, God be thanked for even such…
Let no man stand between my God a… I claim a Free man’s right Of intercourse direct with Him, Who gave me Freedom with the air… God made me free.—
Time beats out all things with his… Things great, things small. With steady strokes that never fai… With slow, sure strokes of his iro… Time beats out all.
Where are all the young men? There are only grey-heads here. What has become of the young men? centered* * * * * * * This is the young men’s year!
Long the road, Till Love came down it! Dark the life, Till Love did crown it! Dark the life,
By William Arthur Dunkerley (Joh… "‘See this my garden, Large and fair!’" —Thus, to his friend, The Philosopher.
We thank Thee, O our God, for th… Long fought-for, hoped-for, prayed… Thou dost cast down, and Thou upr… Thy hand doth order all our ways. Lift all our hearts to nobler life…
When the outer eye grows dim, Turns the inner eye to Him, Who makes darkness light. Fairer visions you may see, Live in nobler company,