John Oxenham


   From deepest depth, O Lord, I cry to Thee.
   "My Love runs quick to your necessity."
   I am bereft; my soul is sick with loss.
   "Dear one, I know.    My heart broke on the Cross."
   What most I loved is gone.    I walk alone.
   "My Love shall more than fill his place, my own."
   The burden is too great for me to bear.
   "Not when I’m here to take an equal share."
   The road is long, and very wearisome.
   "Just on in front I see the light of home."
   The night is black; I fear to go astray.
   "Hold My hand fast.    I’ll lead you all the way."
   My eyes are dim, with weeping all the night.
   "With one soft kiss I will restore your sight."
   And Thou wilt do all this for me?—for me?
   "For this I came—to bear you company."
Otras obras de John Oxenham...
