John Oxenham

Prince Of Peace

   O Thou who standest both for God and Man,
   O King of Kings, who wore no earthly crown,
   O Prince of Peace, unto Thy feet we come,
                   And lay our burden down.
   The weight had grown beyond our strength to bear,
   Thy Love alone the woful thrall can break,
   Thy Love, reborn into this world of care,
                   Alone can life remake.
   How shall we turn to good this weight of ill?
   How of our sorrows build anew to Thee?
   “Of your own selves ye cannot stand or build,—
                   Only through Me,—through Me!”
   O, turn once more to Thee the hearts of men,
   Work through the leaven of our grief and pain,
   Let not these agonies be all in vain,
                   Come, dwell with us again!
   The world has nailed itself unto its cross;
   O, tender to Thy hands its heart will prove,
   For Thou alone canst heal its dreadful loss,—
                   Come Thou and reign in love!
   Peace and the sword, Lord, Thou didst come to bring;
   Too long the sword has drunk to Thy decrease.
   Come now, by this high way of suffering,
                   And reign, O Prince of Peace!
        “And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee?”
Other works by John Oxenham...
