John Oxenham

E.A., Nov. 6, 1900

   Bright stars of Faith and Hope, her eyes
   Shall shine for us through all the years.
   For all her life was Love, and fears
   Touch not the love that never dies.
   And Death itself, to her, was but
   The wider opening of the door
   That had been opening, more and more,
   Through all her life, and ne’er was shut.
  —And never shall be shut. She left
   The door ajar for you and me,
   And, looking after her, we see
   The glory shining through the cleft.
   And when our own time comes,—again
   We’ll meet her face to face;—again
   Well see the star-shine; and again
   She’ll greet us with her soft, “Come ben!”
Other works by John Oxenham...
