“'Tis all a Chequer-Board of Nig… Where Detiny with men for pieces… Hither and thither moves, and mate… And one by one back in the Closet… Omar Khayyam.
God is a zealous pruner, For He knows— Who, falsely tender, spares the kn… But spoils the rose.
“Shall it be Peace? A voice within me cried and would… ‘One man could do it if he would b… (From “Policeman X” in “Bees in… He did not dare!
“A red rose for my helmet, And a word before we part! The rose shall be my oriflamme The word shall fill my heart.” Heart, Heart, Heart of my heart—
The wind blows shrill along the hi… —Black is the night and cold— The sky hangs low with its weight… And the drifts are deep on the wol… But what care I for wind or snow?
“My heart to-day Is strangely full of home! How is it With the dear ones over there? Five years!
Better than I, Thou knowest, Lord, All my necessity, And with a word Thou canst it all supply.
Shadows are but for the moment— Quickly past; And then the sun the brighter shin… That it was overcast. For Light is Life!
Britain! Our Britain! uprisen in… Of your white wrath at treacheries… Roused from your sleep, become onc… Of those high things which make li… Now, God be thanked for even such…
O God, within whose sight All men have equal right To worship Thee. Break every bar that holds Thy flock in diverse folds!
From North and South, and East a… They come! The sorely tried, the much oppress… Their Faith and Love to manifest, They come!
“Thy Will be done!” Let all the worlds Resound with that divinest prayer! The joyous souls redeemed from ill Know all the wonders of Thy Will;
Hark! The drums! Muffled drums! The long low ruffle of the drums!— And every head is bowed, In the vast expectant crowd, As the Great Queen comes,—
There is darkness still, gross dar… On this fair earth of Thine. There are prisoners still in the p… Where never a light doth shine. There are doors still bolted again…
Burden-bearers are we all, Great and small. Burden-sharers be ye all, Great and small! Where another shares the load,