I am crying now. I don’t know why. Am I supposed to know why it is I cry ? Though I always feel
God has spoken. I have been listening, the message is clear. The psalm itself is silent, if the psalmist’s voice falls stil…
From the first remembered breath, I was running to escape. I didn’t need a map. It didn’t matter which direction. It hurt too much for any fool to s…
I am that scruffy urchin trembling in the winter chill, with hungry eyes as wide as your fancy dinner plate, staring with an empty longing
For those who only know oasis it must be difficult to fathom another way of life beyond the wal… amidst the shifting dunes. Those that follow gypsy trails
Been wasting away in this hovel for too many days to count; wishing, hoping, scheming, sometimes even praying, for any way to get out.
Cast adrift in an unknown sea. By my pride. Alone Missing you,
It is me. I am stripped down to my most naked intentions; having worn so many coats and less than noble guises.
These words are crude utensils, with which to touch you, and be touched;
Way up there on that hill of yours; that most hard-won ivory tower. Hiding there behind your perfect guise
Listen. There it is. The hum of perfect silence at the centre of all that is, and isn’t.
I hide here behind a genuine misbelief that I am special, I am different I and only I
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I can barely breathe. I fear this tempest
Neon lights buzzed in staccato out… Sleep seemed something I dare not… I took myself looking to ease my a… keeping to steamy side-streets and… heading for the part of town beyon…
Some time ago, I made my way down to the crossroads, to try my lucky hand at the devil’s gaming tables.