Beloved goddess, sweet holy mother of us all, you who beckon me throughout these hectic days
Are you the one I have no words f… Are you the one who seeks the space between these lines? I used to think I’d know you inst… Now I don’t know anything at all.
Your unexpected words of kindness fell upon this desert dweller’s arid heart
Cast adrift in an unknown sea. By my pride. Alone Missing you,
These words, are just what they’re meant to be; for you, whatever needs they serve to stir… For me;
I am your greatest grandmother calling softly on the ocean winds. I was never lost to you forever, only swallowed by the other half o… Come down with me to the quiet pla…
I met a man who told me that he’s looking for the way he might become more free, less encumbered in his life. Poor me, poor me, poor me;
The old priest gazes out upon his… each head bowed before the sacred… A scarred and broken bodied warrio… seeking inner peace and final abso… An elderly wealthy man of commerce…
No words of wisdom. No clever rhymes. Not this day. Something heavy weighs me down.
The old man, who thinks he’s dying, approached me with these words. I am sorry
“Don’t say anything!” spoke the shadow in the doorway. I was seven years of age. I lay limp upon the couch, still recovering from
It seems for ages, I have been trapped behind yet another version of what I want to think I know. I was so sure I loved you
Late at night; another helter-skelter day, having flown off unexpectedly into alien domains of disarray. So many urgent moments
My love for you is true, though we have never met. I will not lie to you. I will not steal from you. I will not con or cheat you.
There are no pictures on these wal… no mountain lakes nor sailing ship… Not long ago there were no walls Life was lived outside your window… I’d tried to live within four wall…