My love for you is true, though we have never met. I will not lie to you. I will not steal from you. I will not con or cheat you.
Everything he has ever been taught alerts him to avert that dancing f… What is it then that demands he mu… proceed towards his certain fiery… Some deep and ancient voice within
Hello, can you see me here? Please, might you stop awhile. I am the one you pass by daily as you hurry homeward bound. I am that one who’s least of us.
What is this code that we agree up… but dare not ever speak in words ? That mysterious unspoken-ness looming where we choose to gather. It’s sure we must be seen to know
It seems the only way to reach the mountain-top, is through the desert wasteland. It is only there that one might come to learn
There’s a fearsome beast within, huddled tense and waiting, in the furthest corner of this brittle heart. It lies alert to any signal
It’s only you that I can trust to hear these words as true. Those I know seem blinded by some notion or another about me. You are my closest confidant
I stared at her like she was a painting, as if I had all day and night to drink in every curve and contour
Why are you here ? Where did you come from ? Why have i been cursed with one so radiant and true ? There’s no time for your curious m…
There are no pictures on these wal… no mountain lakes nor sailing ship… Not long ago there were no walls Life was lived outside your window… I’d tried to live within four wall…
Not so long ago I was convinced you were the culprit, the masked robber of my sacred trust.
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I fear this tempest might cost my life.
If I could steal you out of time, there would be no place to hide. I would finish what was started when you left me here to die. It’s not vengeance which I seek,
I am seven years old. My brother is ten. The beating was brutal. My brother is recovering conscious… I believed he was dead.
A subtle movement, a facial expression, a particular posture, the constant hint of danger; as if he were here again,