Walter de la Mare

The Old Men

Old and alone, sit we,
Caged, riddle-rid men;
Lost to earth’s ‘Listen!’ and ‘See!’
Thought’s ‘Wherefore?’ and ‘When?’
Only far memories stray
Of a past once lovely, but now
Wasted and faded away,
Like green leaves from the bough.
Vast broods the silence of night,
The ruinous moon
Lifts on our faces her light,
Whence all dreaming is gone.
We speak not; trembles each head;
In their sockets our eyes are still;
Desire as cold as the dead;
Without wonder or will.
And One, with a lanthorn, draws near,
At clash with the moon in our eyes:
‘Where art thou?’ he asks: ‘I am here,’
One by one we arise.
And none lifts a hand to withhold
A friend from the touch of that foe:
Heart cries unto heart, ‘Thou art old!’
Yet reluctant, we go.
Altre opere di Walter de la Mare...
