Poet, oracle and wit Like unsuccessful anglers by Th ponds of apperception sit, Baiting with the wrong request The vectors of their interest;
Deftly, admiral, cast your fly Into the slow deep hover, Till the wise old trout mistake an… Salt are the deeps that cover The glittering fleets you led,
Certainly our city with its byres… The river’s edge, its cathedral, i… Here is the cosmopolitan cooking And the light alloys and the glass… Built by the conscience-stricken,…
Ares at last has quit the field, The bloodstains on the bushes yiel… To seeping showers, And in their convalescent state The fractured towns associate
Driver drive faster and make a goo… Down the Springfield Line under t… Fly like an aeroplane, don’t pull… Till you brake for Grand Central… For there in the middle of the wai…
He disappeared in the dead of wint… The brooks were frozen, the airpor… And snow disfigured the public sta… The mercury sank in the mouth of t… What instruments we have agree
Give me a doctor partridge-plump, Short in the leg and broad in the… An endomorph with gentle hands Who’ll never make absurd demands That I abandon all my vices
Again in conversations Speaking of fear And throwing off reserve The voice is nearer But no clearer
Fish in the unruffled lakes Their swarming colours wear, Swans in the winter air A white perfection have, And the great lion walks
Carry her over the water, And set her down under the tree, Where the culvers white all days a… And the winds from every quarter, Sing agreeably, agreeably, agreeab…
A living-room, the catholic area y… (Thou, rather) and I may enter without knocking, leave without a… each visitor with a style, a secular faith: he compares its d…
Sharp and silent in the Clear October lighting Of a Sunday morning The great city lies; And I at a window
A cloudless night like this Can set the spirit soaring: After a tiring day The clockwork spectacle is Impressive in a slightly boring
Look, stranger, on this island now The leaping light for your delight… Stand stable here And silent be, That through the channels of the e…
Perfection, of a kind, was what he… And the poetry he invented was eas… He knew human folly like the back… And was greatly interested in armi… When he laughed, respectable senat…