Early morning cricket orchestra Resounding In the summer air Open fields What lies out there
Big and beautiful dreams picture perfect reality of the heart and mind Alive in fantasy In the morning sunshine
Hawks say no Jones in I don’t want x wife Lost love Fading into
Perfection Cheap Broken sunglasses Always So true Aint it as factual
Great majesty of the deep Blue abyss The holder of Sunshine bliss All of
Within the confines Of tortured souls Ancient lies Fester
Scarecrow The witness of silent lightning Hears the first crack of thunder As the animals flee Rain starts to fall
Ice cracked bones Heart made of stone The statue sits upon its throne All alone birds tend Her loneliness
The river has run dry No fruit upon the vine Creatures abounding in the heat, caves and valleys discreet Nothing left to do
En Route En route’ Life aint nothing But a Traffic jam
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Olde flames Mere dreams Sparks poppin Crackling Into the skies
Softly rumbling in the dark distan… The midnight coal train Moans Coltrane Slowly growing closer Louder second by second
Waves crashing along the seaside Beneath the diamond lit night Dreams and fantasies In the slipstream Fading out of sight
Cobwebs in my mind Sand in my eyes Outside the birds chirp Their delightful surprise Gentle breezes