You are...
The soft breeze blowing my hair
The sun’s rays caressing my face
The soothing sounds a songbird makes
The sweet warmth of a baby’s embrace!
The solitary eagle in the blue sky
The song I hear whenever I meditate
The sea shell so lovely and intricate
The spirit whispering to set me straight
The snow-covered hill so pure and white
The smallest wave that catches a moonbeam
The sonic boom after a lightning strike
The sunset, multi-colored in my dream
The whitest lily gleaming in the swamp
The lowly dandelion blooming in the pavement
The ringtone whenever my sweetheart calls
The heartbeat I hear moment to moment
Yes Lord, I see you in all of Your creation
I hear Your voice in the softest whisper
I feel Your presence in all that I love
So I pray to be in Your graces forever
For You are...
My hope and my joy, my eternal jubilation
My rock, my anchor, my singular salvation!
© Vic Evora