Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

When Tomorrow Starts

“Remember me and smile, for it is better to forget than to remember me and cry”
—Dr. Seuss
"Written from the POV of a dear friend"
Vic Evora

When tomorrow starts without me
Grieve not, for today has been good
The morning sky almost cloud free
And the soft breeze lightened our mood
Twas refreshing, don’t you agree?
As we stared out, far as we could
To where the sky meets the blue sea
To the place I have long pursued
Underneath the blue canopy
White cirrus streaks across the sky
The warm golden sun shines brightly
While falcons and eagles fly high
They soar unfettered tether-free
As my spirit will be well-nigh
The mountain peaks stand pray’rfully
While all nature hums in reply
Soon the sun will start its descent
Across the fields, shadows will race
But rainbow colors will ferment
To paint the high heavens ablaze
Gorgeous sunset, short-lived moment
For us to savor, by God’s grace
Nature’s given us a present
A punctuation mark to our days
Time to say farewell, my old friend
We’ve spent a great day together
Please meet me at the rainbow’s end
In the verdant fields of heather
When tomorrow starts without me
Grieve not, for my life has been good
Think of me, always and kindly
And in your thoughts, let me intrude
© Vic Evora

A poem dedicated to Bobby D '57. The poem is written from Bobby's POV. May the rest of his days be comfortable as awaits the passage to Elysium.

#2024 #BeautifulLife #Farewell #Tomorrow

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