Vic Evora

The Argo

The Argo nearly sank, some sixty years ago!
Battered by strong winds and mighty waves;
Her sails were torn; her bowsprit split in two
And the Argonauts awaited their watery graves
The tempest roared, lasting for many days
The Argo rocked, lurched, floundered at sea
The skies were grey, they can’t see in the haze
Rocks and shoals around, but nowhere to flee!
The Argo took in water; then a huge wave came
Jason and his council were thrown overboard!
For the younger sailors, valor is a wavering flame
But to lose the Argo; surely, no one can afford!
The younger Argonauts, neophytes in many ways
Bonded as one to sail the Argo to a safe haven...
They found the courage; and with spirits ablaze
Brazen, they faced the rough, tempestuous ocean
They mended Argo’s sails; made right her bowsprit
And held the rudder firmly, to set her on course
They battled the maelstrom every single minute;
Banded together they became a fearsome force!
They triumphed with fortune and fortitude
And sailed the Argo leeward to a safe harbor
Boys they were, now men with pride subdued
A band of brothers bound by virtue and honor!
And so it happened that Jason and his council
Survived the tempest, marooned in an island...
They rejoined the Argo; continued to counsel
Guide the Argonauts as they walk the strand!
© Vic Evora

A fictionalizaed and dramatized retelling of what transpired in 1963 when the Taul Alpha Fraternity was suspended.

#01082016 #Argonauts #TauAlpha

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