Vic Evora


Brown clay, soft and moist
Shapeless, without form
Amorphous, malleable
No backbone like a worm
There it lies immobile
At the potter’s wheel
Awaiting the craftsman
Its real beauty to reveal
A lump of ebony coal
At the steam engine’s gate
It’ll burn soon; to thrust
The locomotive and its freight
Unless super intense pressure
Not of this world
Turn coal to brilliant diamond
Magnificent to behold
A block of tempered steel
Dull gray and icy-cold
A common tool it could be
In a store shelf till it’s sold.
But saved from the heap
By a master sword maker
A glorious samurai blade it’ll be
Sharp, illustrious ever after
A youth, young and innocent
Much like amorphous clay
A lump of ebony coal
A block of steel, dull and gray!
But let a teacher work miracles
His talents will be reveal’d
A brilliant diamond she’d be
True character finally unconceal’d!
© Vic Evora

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