Vic Evora

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Pray without ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17

As he gazed fondly at the laptop screen
He beamed at smiling familiar faces
That for such a long time he hasn’t seen
Bringing back mem’ries of sweet embraces
But tonight’s not the time for rejoicing
A loved one’s in a valiant uphill fight
Inside him the virus reproducing
Focus they must, assist him in his plight!
So, they raised their voices to the Most High
Supplications in a sweet hour of pray’r
Their fervent wishes a long ceaseless sigh
His soothing hands come, extinguish despair!
They flood the heavens with pray’rs unceasing
With hymns and praises to speed up healing
© Vic Evora

Every night my siblings (eight remaining ones) and a few nephews and nieces meet via Zoom to pray for those among us affected by this pestilence. We are in three continents and today's technology make all of this possible. It is a miracle. Sadly, it seems that our prayer list gets longer every day.


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