Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

Over Coffee

"Good coffee is a pleasure. Good friends are a treasure."

It’s Tuesday, early morning
My old friends, I’m off to see
Few hours of story-telling
Over cups of black coffee
Same stories, I’ve heard before
They’ve taken lives of their own
Embellished little bit more
Grand and heroic they’ve grown
Yes! we’re in our twilight years
True! youthful memories fade
The unwanted disappears
All the failures, in the shade
The exploits turn mythical
Mighty warriors we’ve become
Legendary, mystical
Tales with pizzazz and aplomb
It’s all for the fun of it
For surely, we know the truth
Tall tales brighten our spirits
As we recall long lost youth
Shortly we will bid goodbyes
Fresh with myths long forgotten
Hoping, praying that time flies
Next month, meet, we shall again
© Vic Evora

#2024 #Friends #OverCupsOfCoffee First Poem of the Year

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