Vic Evora

Magical the Night

“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
Anne Brontë, Best Poems of the Brontë Sisters

Day at last over
Night shadows are darkening
Crickets soon singing
Soft evening breeze cools the air
And night lovers leave their lair
The pale moon appears
Bright stars dot the velvet sky
Lovebirds swoon and sigh
Whispering giggly delight
Besotted by the moonlight
Wonderful evening
Soft melodies fill the air
Almost from nowhere
Hearts in love aching to dance
Tis night for love and romance
Magical the night
Just the cure for broken hearts
From the pain that smarts
Lost in the night’s warm embrace
Scars vanish without a trace
Witching hours approach
Thick dark clouds blanket the moon
Dawn it will be soon
But the night’s magic been done
As lovebirds await the sun
Yes! tomorrow’s happy lay
Was written at dusk today!
© Vic Evora
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